Contact Me

If you have questions you don’t want published on my blog email me at “drphonics” at “”

27 Responses to Contact Me

  1. Amy says:

    Hi Dr. Guffanti… I attended a couple of your sessions this past weekend at the Cincinnati Homeschool Convention. I don’t remember hearing you speak much to diet being related to hyperactive or inattentive behaviors in the sessions I heard but thought you may be interested in some articles I ran across if you haven’t read anything from this gal before.
    Thanks again for sharing your wealth of information and be an encourager to so many parents :) – Amy Stemen

    • sguffanti says:

      I talk about nutrition in my book, Does your Child Really Have ADHD?, and I think the world of Dianne Craft. When food additives irritate the brain you often see hyperactivity and impulsivity. This should come in waves with relatively normal behavior in between. If you are getting waves of inattentiveness then you are looking at food allergies often caused by Candida, as Diane talks about. Both are easy to test for and more difficult to treat.

      How nutrition affects the brain is a fascinating topic and I am anxiously awaiting Bill Walsh’s new book on the subject. Walsh founded the Pfieffer Institute and is now on his own at Walsh Research Institute (Office: 630/596-5095 1155 South Washington Street Naperville, IL 60540 and has data on over 7,000 ADHD patients. He explains what is happening in the gut and why Candida is causing this problem and what supplements work. Let me say his experience far outstrips anyone else I have heard of or talked to.

  2. Jennifer Holland says:

    Dr. Guffanti,
    I recently heard you speak at the FEAST Homeschool Convention in San Antonio, Texas. I thought you spoke about a spelling strategy dvd that teaches children how to visualize words and improve spelling. What was the name of the dvd and where can I purchase it? Thank you for your time.
    Jennifer Holland

    • sguffanti says:

      The name of the DVD is Super Speller Strategy by Pat Wyman I believe. You can find it on If you don’t let me know or just call up Pat, herself, and she will show you where it is.
      Stephen Guffanti, MD

  3. sguffanti says:

    We should work together. Not only because I agree with you, but because neither of us is getting any younger. (I went to USC and did my internship at LA-USC in 1976. Do you have time in July? What is your schedule like?

  4. Tiffany VanSant says:

    Hello Dr. Guffanti,
    It has been quite a few months since I have contacted you. I contacted you about my son having trouble in school with being pegged as ADD. You had mentioned he may just be a kinesthetic learner which I believe you are right. I have been trying to figure out what is his passion is and I believe it is games. Anything we turn into a game he loves. He also like to make up his own games and draw his own mazes. He is really good at them too. The games often make sense and are fun to play and his mazes are very creative. He cannot stand to write. If we make him write with a subject he automatically thinks he is bad at it or does not like it. However, he has started making us pictures this summer and writing on his own. My husband and I are going to teach him to type and see if this is better for him. I have decided to heed your advice and he will be home-schooled starting 5th grade which is a year from now. This way I can teach him on a one on one basis and in a style that suits him. Any advise you have on curriculum that involves games would be very helpful. I am going to stick to reading, writing and arithmetic his first year home and then after that we will go into the other subjects. Thank you for your encouragement I believe as we start on our journey next year we will see a new and happier child!

    • sguffanti says:

      Congratulations on choosing to home school. You want curriculum that involves games to teach reading, writing and arithmetic. For a child who is hands on, (kinesthetic), visual (the mazes) and dead last auditory.

      For reading I would recommend Rocket Phonics if the child is reading at 3rd grade or below. If he is reading at fourth grade or above then you might want to struggle through to fifth grade level with whatever he has been using. Rocket Phonics embeds proven effective methods in a series of games that brings your child to fifth grade level in two years or less. In your son’s case probably in 6 months or less because of his experience. If you don’t know if he can read at 3rd grade or below ask me and I will test him for you.

      The first step in writing is to answer 4 questions: who is your audience? what is your topic? What do you want your audience to gain from this writing? and How are you going to make that happen? I would recommend you get Dragon Naturally Speaking. It is a computer program that allows your child to talk while the computer types. Why does that help?

      Like your son I am hands-on first and auditory dead last. When I sit down my thoughts go out of my head. Writing is best done at 3 or 4 in the morning. But if I can put a microphone on my head and pace while I write I think better. I can answer those 4 questions (often in a random manner) and then organize them so that other people get it. In essence, Dragon Naturally Speaking types what I say while I pace and then I only have to sit while I organize my thoughts though cutting and pasting.

      Also as long as he is writing you might want him to write plays that he acts out. This is a great way to learn history he can be Thomas Jefferson and you can be King George. (Let him be the victor in his plays.) Let the plays be fun and funny, and drive home the one to three concepts you want to teach like Kings get their power not from God, but from the people. (Go to an appliance store and get a big cardboard box that you can turn into a stage.) After you practice together you can perform for dad.

      Arithmetic for hands-on learners (kinesthetic) taught using games is Right Start Math. I know of no other programs that have that combination.

      I hope this helps. Let me know how its going.

  5. Saima Adnan says:

    Hi Stephen:

    I just took Pat’s learning style quiz for my 9.5 years old son and result is 100% Kinesthetic Learner. Also I took your ADHD diagnosis survey and he got 7 out of 9 for both school and home (ADD inattentive). At school his teacher complains for his quiet and shy behavior and call him “Slow and dull” in front of other students. Now he calls himself as slow learner. I arranged different very hard working tutors for him who gave him full attention and time (2hours per day-6 days a week) but all had same complaints ” We have taught him all lessons and asked him to learn by heart , he did but after a week he turned as blank as he did on the first day of his tuition” . Means he has very bad short term memory. Also his IQ level seems ” 0″ as he doesn’t able to solve tricky questions in any subject. His spellings are so bad whereas he is now in fourth grade. A also tried teaching him myself and his father did the same but we have also got frustrated that after doing so many practices of spellings, math problems, reading chapters twice , he is unable to solve papers/quizzes. His teachers are suggesting school Principal to send him back to grade 3. He had already repeated grade 1 of his school due to poor result in grade 1. After repeating grade 1 he has been good for grade 2 as his class teacher was really hard working but at grade 3 the teacher was fed up of his attitude and really demoralized my child.
    My other 2 children, 6 yrs daughter and 2.5 son are very sharp and attentive. I am so much depressed due to my eldest child . Pls advice whatever you can do for him as I feel I am going to loose all my hopes now. I am full time working women living in Karachi, Pakistan. Here due to low literacy rate there is no concept of ADHD treatment. Since I am a Market researcher in a renowned organization, I have got some good references of Psychologist who suggested these websites and I got contacts of you and Pat.

    • sguffanti says:

      Over 100 years ago another mom was told the same thing about her boy. She said, ” I better home school him before he becomes stupid.” That boy was Thomas Edison, the inventor of the motion picture, the phonograph, the electric light bulb and 1000s of other patents.

      If your son is 100% kinesthetic (read active learner) he doesn’t belong in a classroom at any time. He needs to be in an apprenticeship program. If he can’t read and you would like him to read English then get Rocket Phonics. Rocket Phonics is a series of active games that will take your son to functional literacy in two years or less. If not he will learn to read once he has a reason to learn so feed his passion.

      Next as most tutors teach with your son sitting down they will perceive him as dull and stupid. Psychologists have no tool to measure the kinesthetic IQ and they will think the same.

      After you remove him from the classroom your next step is to help him find his passion. I have never seen any one be inattentive to his own passion. Ask him what makes him happy? If he doesn’t know pick one day a week and do something you haven’t done before. You should keep a journal about the things that bring him joy (look for a spontaneous smile on his face).

      A high kinesthetic will have a desire to take things apart so you might start with a simple question like I wonder how that works? If that seems to intrigue him he may take it apart to find out. Believe it or not once you find his passion he will want to learn math and reading. With his desire fueling his education he will be alot easier to teach.

    • sguffanti says:

      Over 100 years ago another mom was told the same thing about her boy. She said, ” I better home schooled him before he becomes stupid.” That boy was Thomas Edison, the inventor of the motion picture, phonograph and the electric light bulb.

      If your son is 100% kinesthetic (read active learner) he doesn’t belong in a classroom at any time. He needs to be in an apprenticeship program. After you remove him from the classroom your next step is to help him find his passion. I have never seen any one be inattentive to his own passion. Ask him what makes him happy? If he doesn’t know pick one day a week and do something you haven’t done before. You should keep a journal about the things that bring him joy – look for a spontaneous smile on his face.

      A high kinesthetic will have a desire to take things apart so you might start with a simple question like I wonder how that works? If that seems to intrigue him he may take it apart to find out. Believe it or not once you find his passion he will want to learn math and reading. With his desire fueling his education he will be a lot easier to teach. If he can’t read and you would like him to read English then get Rocket Phonics. Rocket Phonics is a series of active games that will take your son to functional literacy in two years or less. If not he will learn to read once he has a reason to learn so feed his passion.

      Next as most tutors teach with your son sitting down they will perceive him as slow and dull. Psychologists have no tool to measure the kinesthetic IQ and they will think the same. Let me say that if his IQ was really 0 he wouldn’t know how to walk or feed himself. I know it takes courage to take your son out of school, because you work full time and school is the ticket to his future. Take courage in the fact that school has failed to teach him in over four years. What do you have to lose if you try my advice for a few months?

      Once you find his joy blog about it and we will go from there. I give you only one warning do not mistake his joy for his addiction. If you don’t know the difference then I highly recommend you get my book, The Purpose of Passion, which details the difference and much more about how to follow your passion while avoiding the painful pitfalls.

    • Danish Ahmed says:

      Hi Saima,

      Just go to Kazim Trust. It is only for ADHD. It is situated next to Atrium Mall Sadar, in Panorama Building, 3rd floor.

      Meet with Farah with my reference there.

      Danish Ahmed.

  6. Louisa says:

    Dr. Guffanti,

    My husband and I work at the U.S. Embassy in Rome, Italy, and want to order your Rocketphonics product to teach our almost 7-yr-old son to read. Our billing address is a DPO (like an APO or FPO address). It works on the U.S. postal system. We can’t figure out how to get our billing/shipping address in on your website to order your program. There is no choice like there is on most sites under states: AE-Armed Forces Europe. Can you tell us how to get you our billing and mailing address so that you can ship us the project?

    Many thanks,

    Louisa Mattozzi

  7. Kristen Turner says:

    Dr. Guffanti,

    I was at your seminar in Greenville last week and you said if we did not receive your notes via email within one week to contact you. I would so appreciate your notes especially referring to the elimination diet. I think it was an apple diet for a couple days.


    Kristen Turner

  8. Sarah says:

    I have read everything on your website and listened to all of your podcast. I have tried to do focused stretches with her in the morning and it becomes a fight. I have tried movement during learning times and all we seem to do is fight to get anything done. I have ordered your ADHD book, but haven’t received it yet, so you may answer my questions in there. I don’t know how to get through to my daughter and help her learn and obey. Any help you can give would be great. Thanks

    • sguffanti says:

      Do any of these apply to your daughter?
      throwing repeated temper tantrums
      Excessively arguing with adults, especially those with authority
      Actively refusing to comply with requests and rules
      Deliberately trying to annoy or upset others, or being easily annoyed by others
      Blaming others for her mistakes
      Having frequent outbursts of anger and resentment
      Being spiteful and seeking revenge
      Swearing or using obscene language
      Saying mean and hateful things when upset

      If so which ones? How old is she?

  9. Khalid Naseer says:

    My daughter Huda 5 1/2 years is ADHD. She was good till the end of 2013. But after that she had started aggressive behavior, pinching a lot, crying on any small matter, stubborn, and still she is not mature enough to understand small thing. Actually she is an Epileptic patient, initially she was on Depakine and recently her treatment changed to Trileptal. She is not going school anymore, due to her behavior and not sitting in the classroom. We are very much concern about her. Could you please give us some advice, how we should treat her when she is in her Aggressive mode. Whenever she ask for anything, she needs that right there without any delay, if there is a minor delay she starts crying. Sometimes she spells a word, if it is wrong and we correct her she cries and demand us to endorse what she spells is right. Your valuable advice will be an asset for us.
    Khalid Naseer

    • sguffanti says:


      Huda is too young to be diagnosed ADHD. But her symptoms sound like ODD. Does she do any of the following? (If yes which ones.)
      throwing repeated temper tantrums
      Excessively arguing with adults, especially those with authority
      Actively refusing to comply with requests and rules
      Deliberately trying to annoy or upset others, or being easily annoyed by others
      Blaming others for her mistakes
      Having frequent outbursts of anger and resentment
      Being spiteful and seeking revenge
      Swearing or using obscene language
      Saying mean and hateful things when upset

  10. Bina Sohail says:

    I belong with Karachi Pakistan and my child is recently diagnosed with ADHD and there are no such schools who dealt with them can u help me in this regard please

    • sguffanti says:


      ADHD is a label usually given by visual learners to those who learn through movement. Your best solution is to teach your child at home. What she loves will open the doors to teach her everything. Tell me what she loves and how old she is and I can help more.

    • Dansih Ahmed says:

      Hi Bina,

      Just go to Kazim Trust. It is only for ADHD. It is situated next to Atrium Mall Sadar, in Panorama Building, 3rd floor.

      Meet with Farah with my reference there.

      Danish Ahmed.

  11. Bria Lawlor says:

    Hi There,

    I just wanted to give you a really quick pitch:
    – I’m a talented web designer focused on quality and efficiency.
    – My rates are affordable.
    – I am easy to talk to.
    – I make the process very simple.
    – My clients love me!

    So, if you’re interested in rebuilding or redesigning your site then I would love to speak with you. Reply back and let me know.
    Thank you so much!


  12. Bart Talley says:


    Have you been thinking of adding new features to your website or enhancing its user-interface? I’m a freelance web designer offering my services for an affordable price. Whether it’s adding new features or even rebuilding an entirely new website, I’m an expert in doing these things.

    I’ve been helping small businesses grow with the help of web design for almost a decade now and my previous clients have all been getting a significant amount of sales growth with my designs. I’ll send you some of my work and provide you with a free consultation, if you’re interested to see my designs. Please let me know if you’re interested. Talk to you soon!

    Bart Talley

  13. Ed Frez says:


    Are you thinking of giving your site a more modern look and some elements that can help you run your business? How about making some upgrades on your website? Are there any particular features that you’ve thought about adding to help your clients find it easier to navigate through your online content?

    I am a professional web designer that is dedicated to helping businesses grow. I do this by making sure that your website is the best that it can be in terms of aesthetics, functionality, and reliability in handling your business online. All of my work is done freelance and locally (never outsourced). I would love to talk to you about my ideas at a time that’s best for you. I can give you plenty of information and examples of what we’ve done for other clients and what the results have been.

    Please let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll get in touch with you as quick as I can.

    Ed Frez – Web Designer / Programmer

  14. Mayra Ramos says:


    My name is Mayra Ramos. I am a parent of an ADHD child. I been podcasting your podcast and heard about your resources on your podcast. I haven’t been able to enroll for your newsletter or anything. I am highly interested. Since the Pandemic started my child has taken a lot of steps back and I need help. Therapy is going on through video chat and is not at this point helping

  15. lindsey says:

    Hi. I am trying to take the test, however it keeps saying the mailing lost isn’t active. I have tried several different emails.

  16. Shell says:

    Is the ADHD test still available to do- I canโ€™t find a spot to add my email. Only a spot for the newsletter? Can you please email me the test for my son to be able to do? Thankyou ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

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